Bound Morpheme - Explanations

                   They are placed before the roof.
Do not change the part of speech. Could be: Verb-verb. Examples:
Make (v)   Remake (v)
True (Adj) Untrue (Adj)
They change the part of speech. (Sometimes) Examples:
Forget (v)  Unforget (Adj)


They are placed after the roof.
Do not change the part of speech. Could be: Verb-verb,  noun -noun . Examples:
•Work (v)   works (v)
•Hand (n)   hands (n) (n)

Root             Bound Morpheme     =    New word

Wonder    +     ful                           = Wonderful 
Arrive       +     ing                          = Arriving
They change the part of speech. (Sometimes) Examples:
•Nation (n)  national (adj) 


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